Welcome to our Blog! Here you'll read mostly about my kids and my adventures in motherhood, along with what the Lord is teaching me at the moment....Thanks for sharing this journey with us!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The most important day of Addison's Life

On September 17, 2012 the angels rejoiced as Addison Emily Blythe prayed the salvation prayer and accepted Christ into her heart.  I was lucky enough to be the one to lead her in the prayer and it was such a joyous and special time.  As parents, from the day our kids are born, we pray that they will grow up and find favor in the Lord and accept him into their hearts.  Today was that day.  The Lord gives us our kids so we can direct them and show them the One True Way.  I praise God that He is now the Lord of her life and pray that He will continue to guide her steps and grow her in His love.